Friday, March 13, 2020

Dramedy Target Audience

In order for a production to be effective, it has to appeal to the target audience of the genre. My film opening is a dramedy, so the target audience will be a mix of comedy and drama.
First of all, the opening is a teen dramedy, so the main target audience will be teens in high school from 14-18 years old. According to Red Rock Entertainment Ltd, target audiences are specific groups of people that have similar characteristics such as, age, gender, and interests. Also, sometimes it could have aspects that appeal to others that aren't specifically included in the main target audience. This could be related to my film because it could be enjoyed by others that aren't teens. Adults could be interested in the film because it highlights elements of teen life that may be unknown to adults. Times have changed and the issues that adults went through when they were teens are different to those that may exist nowadays.

Overall, the main focus will be teens, and that will be a major influence for the choices of the film opening.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Film Opening Decided

After adding and discarding many ideas, we have decided what we want our film opening to be. I noticed that some of the ideas I wanted to include were just over-complicating it and they were not necessary for a good opening.

The main purpose of the opening will be to introduce the characters. The opening will sustain of teenagers who threw a party at their house while their parents were away. It will take place the morning after when they have to clean up the house so the parents won't notice when they get back. They also have to get everyone who is still there to go home.

The characters will be introduced in different ways. I plan on having props around the house that represent the characters. There will also be interactions between the characters that reveal character traits. These interactions will also foreshadow and hint at possible conflicts and events in the future. I want to introduce them without revealing too much information. This will keep it interesting and make the viewers want to know what is going to happen later.

Before, I wanted to include a conflict where the teen was supposed to be taking care of his little brother, but in the morning he's nowhere to be found. Introducing a major conflict like this would make the viewers focus more on the conflict, and the other elements wouldn't be expressed how I wanted. I decided to remove this idea because it would stray away from the main purpose of introducing the characters.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Team Meeting

Today I met with some of my classmates to discuss each other's projects and give feedback and ideas. They provided a lot of helpful information and it opened up my mind to different things I can include in my project.

In my film opening there's going to be a little kid who gets lost from his house when his older brother was supposed to be taking care of him. Since it is a dramedy there needs to be comedic elements. A suggestion was that the kid is a sleepwalker and he leaves the house not knowing what he is doing. Then, the kid goes to sleep on top of the car outside because he can't get back in the house and the parents come back to see their kid like that. Another idea was that the kid gets lost because he follows something that would add comedy. I still have not come up with what that thing could be, but I think I like the first idea of sleepwalking better.

I also need drama elements in the opening. A suggestion was that the teen is doing college applications and his parents are very hard on him. He is really stressed out, so he does irresponsible things like throwing parties.

Overall, the feedback I received was very helpful and I will see how to integrate it into my film opening.

Monday, March 2, 2020


It has been quite a difficult process to come up with an idea for our film opening that fits the framed genre. We decided to go with a teen drama where it revolves around teen life as the main focus. 

For our opening we need a child who looks like they are aged around 8-10 years old. It will not be easy because we don’t have any siblings around that age, so we need to find someone who is available.

We also need to have around 2-4 teens and a house to film what’s left after the party in our film opening. This will not be as difficult since I am a teen and my peers and I can take the roles of the teens. Also, the party props are not expensive and we can include props that we already have in the house.