Monday, November 25, 2019

Representation Analysis

The advertisement for H&M includes people from all sorts of social classes, ages, genders, races, and ethnicities. It tried to include a very broad range of people. When the audience views all these representations they can assume that the commercial is directed to a very large variety of people. It did not want to make anyone feel like they were excluded. The audience feels like they are part of the message of the commercial. The advertisement wanted to show that no matter who you are and what you wear, anyone can recycle their clothes.

The advertisement for axe does not represent a wide variety of people. It represents mostly white males and females. It shows one white man attracting a large amount of females and it basically coneys that that is the type of female that males should want. It doesn't represent other types of people that might have different interests in women or that don't care as much of their looks. It also shows that these types of women would be attracted to a white male. The non white male audience of this advertisement might not feel like they are being represented. People might think that not all men want this and it is not representative of a very large part of the male population.

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